A Van Story

A Van Story



As many of you know, we are a very small, independently run, local business, growing steadily at our one foot in front of the other pace. Aiming to build a resourceful brand, in a resourceful way.

Our goal last year was to focus on marketing; physically joining in events and local markets, getting our small business on the road, and getting our name out there. Excitedly, we successfully took part in over 22 markets and events ranging widely in variety!


In the heat of the pandemic, I was rear ended coming home from a surf session and my cute yellow hatchback was devastatingly written off.  When ICBC wrote me a cheque for $4,200, I was faced with a very hard choice… Struggling to keep the business afloat during a very challenging year, I figured I either get a new set of wheels, or I keep the business going… My father, who owns a local landscaping company, offered to lend me a truck until things got better. All of a sudden saying goodbye to my favourite little car may of had a silver lining. I injected the $4,200 into Spruce and was able to stay afloat without the use of further debt or interest during challenging times.


SO! As we dove head first into Markets our little loaner landscaping truck served us well, fitting just barely everything we needed to travel, HOWEVER, we knew having market gear in the back of the truck would come with risk as the seasons changed, and I knew I needed to return this truck one way or another.


Last summer, my son wanted his own Nintendo Switch. Not nearing his birthday or Christmas, I ask him how he might be able to start saving up for this on his own. 
Getting creative, he started collecting returnables (CANS), requesting myself of grandma take him to the bottle depot now and then. Impressively, he had saved up the money and purchased the switch in just a matter of a few months. I was impressed and proud of him.

As I thought more and more about getting a new vehicle, one that would be suitable for, my family, for work, and our new market lifestyle, I knew we needed a VAN. I just didn’t know how we were going to do it. 

Business operations had began to pick back up, however, between purchasing new inventory (priority), and making payments to accumulated debt, and trying earn a living, there just wasn’t wiggle room to put much aside. I also had adversity of further debt for my emotional health and stress levels.

With that being said, I was determined to JUST GET STARTED, somehow. Even if it was on our usual pace, one foot in front of the other. Then it dawned on me…


I began on my own terms, saving my returnables (CANS!), and asking friends and family. 
Being attached to the Cafe at the time, I noticed their returnables stack up from patrons and I asked the cafe if they would like to donate their cans to the van, and they were in!

I opened a bank account specifically for the van, and made a deposit after every single bottle depot run. As the account slowly grew, so did my excitement. I began chatting and sharing this story with some close friends and clients… and next thing I knew, returnable recycling was flooding in the door!! The response was immense, and word began to spread. We were accumulating so many returnables I dedicated 1 day a week to do a bottle depot run fo the entire summer— Every time, heading straight to our van account to do the rewarding deposit. As it naturally became such a community project we began to share more of the process and the progress on our social media (find a cans—>van highlight bubble on @spruce.clothing if you would like to a have a peek). Folks loved watching the fund grow, and the bottles kept on coming. 

As the season change approached we knew we needed to start the test drive process.
After a few that just weren’t quite right (or out of our budget) we finally found THE ONE. Naturally, that gem you find through word of mouth before it even hits the market.

My son and I went to test drive and knew immediately it was the van for us. When we left a deposit, the owner handed us a bag of cans, for the van. How hilarious. 

The van cost $3,200, and in our van fund we had $2,949. UNREAL

With a lot of dedication and consistency, we did it, together, with the help of an incredible community. 

The Celebration of the van spread to many, and we couldn’t wait to make it our own and celebrate with everyone who contributed! Once the van got the business decals, we created the sweetest little van sticker to offer all those who participated in this incredible project as a token of gratitude.

I have a new profound respect for the bottle depot slogan, “Return it, its worth it”

How resourceful! Our family and business are incredibly grateful for our new whip, and have since had many memorable trips and successful markets— and we just love sharing the story of how it came about!
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